Collection: Landskabt

Grit Jansen is the artist behind 'Landskabt', which can be translated to 'created by land'. Landskabt originates from the interaction between people and the surrounding landscape. An interaction that consists in how people affect and create the landscape we enter, but also how the landscape and nature influence how we are as human beings.

The 'Landskabt' ceramics finds their expression and colors in nature as well as in the cityscape. In parts of the process, the interaction between stoneware and the glazes is also allowed to determine the final outcome where no pieces are alike.

YŌNOBI presents two collections by Landskabt, Vandkant, and Etna.

Vandkant is a hand-casted collection, where the colors are inspired by the water edge, both in movement and in colors.

The other collection Etna is characterized by the subtle decorations on the pieces, which is determined by lava sand collected on the Etna volcano in Sicily. The lava sand merges with the glaze and creates variations of streaks and dots and brings back thoughts to the windy day at Etna as the sand was collected, still warm from the last eruption. The collection is hand-thrown on the potters' wheel, and therefore has a more organic feel to it, than the Vandkant collection.


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