Collection: Studio Antonia Maria

We proudly introduce new artist - Studio Antonia Maria.

With a background in interior design, Antonia's creative practice is nourished by architecture. Through a year-long ceramics training in Normandy (France), she could grasp the depths of a traditional craft by experimenting with various approaches. She found her own creative process based on research into clay and glazes.

Her practices reflect a sensitivity to the energy of the natural elements she uses. Antonia seeks to find a balance between different consistencies where light and shadow, emptiness and fullness, come together to create new textures and surfaces. This search reveals infinite combinations and rich analyses. She builds a poetic dialogue between the object and the space it fills.

Passing on know-how is an integral part of her practice. Since 2021, she has supervised initiation workshops and courses in pottery wheel throwing and hand-building. She is currently teaching at Plöttjes Studio and Clayers Collective in Berlin.

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